💱Move from Binance Smart Chain to Cronos
How Bridge Works
Bridging (not to be confused with swapping), is the process of moving a token from one chain to the other. This process requires 2 transactions, depositing the token onto Crypto, if Crypto has enough liquidity, then it will transfer the token to your destination chain into your wallet.
During this process, you can check on your deposit transaction hashes for the status.
How to Bridge from BSC to Cronos using Crypto.com Exchange
In order to bridge your token from BSC to Cronos, you first need to Sign up (if this is your first time), or Log in (if you have already signed up)
Deposit the token onto Crypto
Go to Crypto.com Exchange
Choose Wallet in the top right corner, then hit Spot Wallet
3. In Spot Wallet page, choose token you want to bridge, and click Deposit
4. Select Network: BEP20, and click Copy Address
5. Open your BSC wallet, transfer the token you have chosen to the copied address
6. After transaction has been processed successfully, head on over Crypto.com to check the transaction history
Transfer assets from BSC to Cronos using Crypto.com Exchange
Go to this crypto.com/exchange/wallets/spot/balances Spot Wallet page
Select the asset that you want to bridge over in your spot wallet and click Withdraw
3. Select Add Withdrawal Address
4. Select Add Withdrawal Address
5. Select the Cronos Network, add your Cronos wallet address and save it
6. Select your Cronos wallet address that you have whitelisted and input the withdrawal amount
7. Review your withdrawal information and enter your 2FA code to Confirm Withdrawal. Once you click Review Withdrawal, you will be taken to a new page for you to confirm your withdrawal information and type in your 2FA code to finalize your withdrawal
8. After transaction has been processed successfully, head on over Crypto.com to check the transaction history
Note: Your assets will appear on your Cronos wallet within a few minutes of withdrawal confirmation.
How to Bridge from BSC to Cronos using Elk.finance
Elk.finance is also a good place to move your assets from BSC to Cronos.
Please watch the video below for more details:
Swap BNB (BSC) Token for ELK Token: https://app.elk.finance/#/swap
Important steps follow video - Bridge ELK Token to Cronos Mainnet: https://app.elk.finance/#/elknet (BE SURE TO CHECK MARK THE "Swap $ELK 1 for gas" BOX)
Switch to Cronos Mainnet via Metamask and now swap your ELK Tokens for Crypto.com Coin (CRO) Tokens
How to Bridge from BSC to Cronos using EVODeFi.com
Go to this https://bridge.evodefi.com/ Bridge page
Select source network as the BSC chain and click Switch to BSC
3. Select target network as the Cronos chain
4. Select the asset that you'd like to bridge
5. Input your desired wallet address. Usually, your recipient address is the same as your sending address
6. Enter the amount you wish to bridge. Check that the amount you've entered is within the minimum and maximum supported by EVODeFi
7. Click Send button after you've input the desired amount, and check your Cronos wallet when the transaction is successful
Note: Your assets will appear in your Cronos wallet in about 2-5 minutes.
Last updated